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St Mary Immaculate Catholic Primary School

“Live wisely, Think deeply, Love generously”

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Governor Responsibilities and Information

What Do Governors Do?

The governors' role is to provide a strategic overview for the school, with the school's Learning Improvement Plan at its core.  Governors work with the Headteacher and staff to drive up standards, deliver the best possible opportunity for every child to achieve their potential and to ensure the wellbeing and safety of pupils and staff.


Governors help make key decisions about the school and constructively challenge and support how the school and its resources are managed. They monitor the progress and impact of decisions and agree targets, policies, priorities and budgets with the Headteacher.


All governors must be committed to developing their knowledge and skills and be willing to attend regular training courses in all aspects of governance. They abide by the Governors Code of Conduct contained in the link below.

Governor Information

St Mary Immaculate School is a Voluntary Aided Catholic School with a Governing Body made up of 12 governors:

  • 7 are appointed by the Archdiocese of Birmingham (Foundation Governors)
  • 2 are elected by parents (Parent Governors)
  • 1 is appointed by Warwickshire Local Education Authority (Local Council Governor)
  • 1 is elected by school staff (Staff Governor)
  • 1 is the Headteacher


All governors are appointed for a period of 4 years, except for the Headteacher who is automatically a governor.  Each year the Governing Body elects a Chair and Vice-Chair or two Co-Chairs.


 The Current Governing Body Members and their duties

  • Co-Chair of Governors - Mrs Chrissie Beaumont (Foundation Governor)
  • Co-Chair of Governors - Mr Andrew Staley (Foundation Governor)
  • Mrs Emma Rayment (Foundation Governor)
  • Mr Christian Frank (Foundation Governor)
  • Mr Alex Castilla Ballesteros (Foundation Governor)
  • Mrs Joannah Whitten (Parent Governor)
  • Mr Vinders Bhogal (Parent Governor)
  • Mrs Julia Wallace (Executive Headteacher)
  • Mrs Kelly Roberts (Staff Governor)
  • Mr Simon Pargeter (Local Authority Governor)
  • The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Elizabeth Mottram




Governors' Meetings

The Full Governing Body meets 2 to 3 times each term. We act as one governing body, and are currently operating without any sub-committees.


Governors' Links With The School

Governors aim to keep close contact with the school and make regular visits to monitor progress and assess the impact of planned improvements.  They try to attend parents' evenings and school events to identify pupils' views and ideas through personal conversations as well as regular questionnaires.


Some governors have additional responsibilities for topics such as:

  • Safeguarding
  • Special Needs
  • RE
  • Health and Safety
  • Finance
  • Performance Management


Contacting The Governors

The governors are always keen to hear parents' views, so please get in touch via the school office or Headteacher if you have any ideas, suggestions or questions.

If you wish to contact the chair of the governors, please leave a message at the school office or email or
