House System
House Points for Autumn Term - So Far!
St John | 10 | St Matthew | 10 |
St Mark | 10 | St Luke | 12 |
We have 4 houses for our house system, named after the writers of the Four Gospels.
Matthew | Mark |
Luke | John |
Each House includes children from every class in school, with the four House Captains being chosen from Year 6 pupils. Pupils therefore get to know one another across the age groups and are better able to empathise with and support one another. At the end-of-year sports day, pupils compete as members of their school house.
Children are placed in their houses when they join the school. We place all family members in the same house.
Children receive house points as praise, both for school work and behaviour.
House points are totalled at the end of each term by the house captains, with all members of the winning house then receiving a reward: non-uniform day for all members of that house!
St Martthew House Captain

Hello, my name is Vinudi and I have been at this school for almost four years. I am very excited for the responsibility of being a House Captain as it challenges my leadership and it makes me use my mathematical skills. This opportunity opens doors for me since it's quite difficult but the experience has been amazing. I look forward to meeting new members of this school.
St Luke House Captain

Hello, my name is Ananya, I have been at this school for about two years. I love being a House Captain because I love Maths. It's been really exciting to be a House Captain. This school is a really fun place to be!
St Mark House Captain

Hello, my name is Grace and I am the House Captain for Mark. I love being a House Captain because it is my last year at St Mary's and I want to make amazing memories before I leave. I have been at this school for over two years now! The responsibility has given me the opportunity to be brave. I love doing many sports, such as: badminton. I look forward to meeting you!
St John House Captain

My name is Rithulaa and I have been here for eight years now. I enjoy all my lessons, especially, Science, Art and P.E. All our school trips have been extraordinary experiences for me. Outside of school, I enjoy art and dancing as well as singing. I look forward to meeting new people and watching the younger children grow and thrive.