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St Mary Immaculate Catholic Primary School

“Live wisely, Think deeply, Love generously”

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Our Vision for Languages at St Mary Immaculate


At St Mary Immaculate our French scheme of work is designed with a profound commitment to nurturing a passion for language learning and fostering an appreciation for diverse cultures. Our primary objective is to cultivate confidence among our pupils in both written and spoken French, empowering them with practical language skills for effective communication.  


Through Kapow’s meticulously crafted scheme of work, we aim to lay a robust foundation for language acquisition, encouraging students to apply their linguistic skills not only to the mastery of French but also as a stepping stone to exploring and learning additional languages. This foundation, rooted in the study of French, concurrently enhances their understanding of the English language, facilitating future academic pursuits and creating opportunities for study and work in global contexts.  


We believe that learning a language is more than an academic pursuit; it is a transformative experience that encourages our students to appreciate and celebrate differences. Our languages curriculum serves as a cornerstone for fostering cultural understanding, equipping students with the skills and mindset required to thrive in a diverse society.  


Moreover, by instilling a love for language learning, we aspire to contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically but also possess the linguistic dexterity to engage with the global community. As our students progress through our French curriculum, they not only meet the National Curriculum standards but also cultivate a curiosity and openness that extends beyond the classroom.  


In essence, our French scheme of work at St Mary Immaculate is more than a language program; it is a transformative journey that prepares our students for a future where linguistic proficiency serves as a key to personal and professional success, fostering a positive impact on business, the economy, and the broader global community.  


All this is built upon the 3 pillars of our curriculum: live wisely, think deeply, love generously. 




Kapow’s French scheme of work is designed to provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for our pupils, encompassing both knowledge and skills strands that are essential for their linguistic development. The following principles guide our implementation of the French curriculum: 


Knowledge Strands: Kapow’s scheme of work revolves around three key knowledge strands: phonics, vocabulary, and grammar. These strands are integrated throughout the units, with knowledge building cumulatively to ensure a solid foundation in French language acquisition.  


Skills Strands: In addition to knowledge acquisition, our curriculum focuses on developing language comprehension (listening and reading) and language production (speaking and writing) skills. These skills are honed through various activities and tasks embedded within each unit. 


National Curriculum Coverage: Kapow’s curriculum is aligned with the National Curriculum attainment targets, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the required skills and knowledge at key stage 2. 


Progression of Skills and Knowledge: We have meticulously mapped out the progression of skills and knowledge across year groups, ensuring a sequential development that leads to secure attainment by the end of Key Stage 2. 


Practical Communication: The French scheme provides ample opportunities for practical communication around familiar subjects and routines. Emphasis is placed on both spoken and written French, with a gradual transition from oral skills development in Year 3 to incorporating written French in subsequent years. 


Spiral Curriculum Approach: Kapow’s scheme follows a spiral curriculum model, revisiting key skills and vocabulary with increasing complexity. This approach allows pupils to reinforce and build upon their previous learning over time.  


Cross-Curricular Links: We incorporate cross-curricular links within our French units, allowing students to make connections and apply their language skills in other areas of their learning.  


Varied Teaching Strategies: Our lessons employ a range of teaching strategies, including independent tasks, paired and group work, role-play, language games, and language detective work, catering to diverse learning styles and preferences.  


Language Detective Skills and Grammar Focus: We prioritize the development of 'language detective skills' and a solid understanding of French grammar and key vocabulary, rather than rote memorization.  


Differentiated Guidance and Support: Each lesson includes differentiated guidance to ensure accessibility and enjoyment for all learners. 


Teacher Support and CPD: Strong subject knowledge is essential for effective delivery of the curriculum. Kapow’s scheme includes multiple teacher videos and resources to support ongoing professional development and ensure that teachers feel confident in delivering high-quality French lessons.  


Supportive Resources: Lesson materials include detailed teacher knowledge sections, key vocabulary presentations with sound files for pronunciation support, and other resources to aid teachers in delivering engaging and effective lessons.  


We aim to provide a rich and supportive learning environment where every pupil can develop their language skills with confidence and enthusiasm, fostering a lifelong appreciation for French language and culture.  




At St Mary Immaculate, we recognize the profound impact that our French curriculum has on the linguistic development and cultural awareness of our pupils. Through continuous monitoring and assessment, both formative and summative, we ensure that each child's progress is tracked and supported throughout their French language journey.  

The impact of our French scheme is multifaceted and far-reaching, with the following expected outcomes for our students:  


  • Engagement in Purposeful Dialogue: Pupils will develop the ability to engage in purposeful dialogue in practical situations, such as ordering in a cafe or following directions, enabling them to express opinions and communicate effectively in real-life scenarios.  

  • Reading Proficiency: Students will demonstrate increasingly accurate attempts to read unfamiliar words, phrases, and short texts, enhancing their reading comprehension skills and expanding their vocabulary.  

  • Confident Oral Communication: Pupils will speak and read aloud with confidence and accuracy in pronunciation, fostering a sense of self-assurance in their oral communication skills. 

  • Understanding of Spoken Language: Through active listening and appropriate responses, students will demonstrate understanding of spoken language, honing their listening skills and facilitating meaningful interactions. 

  • Grammar and Language Structure: Pupils will be able to identify word classes in a sentence and apply grammatical rules they have learned, enhancing their understanding of language structure and grammar.  

  • Cultural Awareness: Through the exploration of cognates and near-cognates, students will develop an awareness of linguistic connections across languages, fostering cultural appreciation and linguistic diversity. 

  • Writing Proficiency: Students will be able to construct short texts on familiar topics, demonstrating their ability to communicate effectively in written form. 

  • National Curriculum Attainment: Pupils will meet the end of Key Stage 2 stage expectations outlined in the National Curriculum for Languages, ensuring a solid foundation for further language study. 


Overall, the impact of our French curriculum extends beyond language proficiency, nurturing confident and culturally aware individuals who are equipped with the language-learning skills necessary to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.  
