Religious Education
Like all the other schools in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, the teaching of RE at St Mary Immaculate is from the detailed programme of study “Learning and Growing as the People of God". This comprehensive programme suggests activities which cover a wide range of Catholic teachings. It suggests activities for prayer and penitential services, and enables the teacher to approach the main feasts of the Church with meaning and joy.
The RE curriculum also supports the parish programmes of preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. The published scheme is designed for use in single-age classes, and so the school has put in place a two year cycle of work to ensure that the scheme fits the school’s organisation of classes. This two year cycle integrates the work in the classroom with assemblies and services, ensuring that all the work in RE is complementary to the season and feasts of the liturgical year.
The teaching programme helps pupils to explore the beliefs, values and way of life of the Catholic tradition and where appropriate, of other faith traditions.
For full details of the RE curriculum in each year group please see the documents below. The front page of each unit within the scheme contains assessment information about what the majority of children should be able to do or know by the end of the unit. We use this information to assess the children throughout the year.
The long term plan, included below, shows you which units will be taught and when throughout the year in each class.
Religious Education Policy