Year 6 Class
Welcome to Year 6 Class Page!
It was fantastic to welcome the children back into school!
They all are eager to learn and ready for the challenges of Y6!

P.E days are:
Can children please continue to attend school in P.E kits on these days!
Home Learning
- Children should be reading a minimum of 3 times per week. Reading records will be checked on a Tuesday.
- Children should be accessing TTRockstars to support thier timestable knowledge as much as possible. Their usernames and passwords are in their reading records.
- Children should be practising thier spellings. Please see attached their half terms spellings. A dictation test, which includes these spellings, will be done on Friday. To support with this, they can access Spelling Shed below. Usernames and passwords are also in reading records.
Jubilee Day - The Year of Hope
For the launch of the Catholic Jubilee Year, the Year of Hope, children completed a carosel of activities, such as: learning a hymn, taking their own pilgramage and creating key-rings to be put into a time capsule in for the next Jubilee Year in 2025.
Children enjoyed learning and doing all the activities involved with our Jubilee Launch Day and are looking forward to their own pilgramage this year!
Mission Day
On the 29th November, all the children in the school attended the Pantomime: Dick Whittington. The children loved being involved in the Pantomime againa and has a great time!

Advent Preparation Day
As part of our Advent Preparation day, the children were introduced to Luce. Luce is the official mascot for the Jubilee Year in 2025. Children learnt about the different parts of Luce and about why she is a symbol of Hope, which is the focus of next year's Jubilee Year. They then re-created Luce with their own image, including things that are important to them, on a bauble to add to our school Christmas Tree.
The children then had the Tree Lighting Assembly and they were officially given the purple cloth for the class' prayer area.
Parliament Visit
During UK Parliament week 2024, the Year 5 and 6 children had the opportunity to visit Parliament. We started with a tour of the House of Lords, unfortunatly we couldn't visit the House of Commons as they were in session, where the children learnt about how a Bill was turned into a Law. They then took part in a Workshop, again explaining how a Bill turned into a Law and our MP, Matt Western, was able to come and speak to our children. The children learnt a lot about how to become an MP or a member of the House of Lords, about Laws and what inspired our own MP to become a Member of Parliament!
Magistrates Visit
On the 14th November, we had a visit from one of our local Magistrates. She spoke to Year 6 about the law and the consequences of breaking it. After break, we had the opportunity to re-create a Magistrates Court and hear a trial where a children was accused of Cyber-bullying. Our Magistrates had to decide whether Sam Little was innocent or guilty after hearing the evidence from different witnesses.
Anti-Bullying Week
For Anti-Bullying Week, on the 12th November, children were asked to wear odd socks school to help raise awareness of bullying and to encourage individuality. During the day, children learnt more about Cyber-bullying and how to speak out if they see or experience bullying.
Rememberence Day
On the 11th November, we observed the 2 minutes silence for all the lost soldiers in past and current conflicts. The children then learnt about the history of Rememberence Day, how people observe it and where the money from the poppies purchased goes to. Children then created some poppy-themed art, pictures were printed for the children, they then cut out sections and drew in the gaps.

Dia de los Muertos
On the 6th November, the whole school celebrated Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). The Day of the Dead is a prodominantly a Mexican festival where people celebrate and remember lost family members and friends. Graves are usually decorated with brightly coloured flowers and food is left out to encourage loved ones to return to the land of the living.
Ofrendas are also usually decorated with pictures of loved ones, brightly coloured flowers and the person's favourite food. In Year 6, we made tissue paper Marigolds and added these to our prayer table with pictures of lost loved ones children brought in from home. We said a prayer to remember all the loved ones we have lost.
October - Month of the Rosary
As October is the month of the Rosary, Year 6 led a decade of the Rosary for Year 4 children in our Prayer Graden. The children really enjoyed being able to share this experience with the younger children.
Multi-Faith Week
For this year's Multi-Faith week, we had the amazing opportunity of inviting guests into school to talk about their faiths with the children.
Monday - Hinduism
We had visitors from Hinduism Education Services that worked with each class on age appropriate activities dedicated to Hinduism. Our session included: storytelling, dressing up in traditional Indian costume, and other topics and activities related to Hindu worship, culture, values and lifestyle. Older children will also discuss key Hindu philosophical concepts: atman, reincarnation, moksha and karma.
Tuesday - Judaism
Key Stage Two children took part in virtual workshops lead by The Jewish Museum in London.
Year 5 and 6 children learnt about Jewish sacred spaces. They learned about the role of a synagogue in Jewish life, especially focussing on Bevis Marks synagogue and heard from a Rabbi on themes of community, festivals, traditions, Synagogue life and the Torah.
Wednesday - Buddhism
We had visitors from BHS Educational Workshops who spent the whole day with us. Children were invited to dress up, learn about the life of a Buddha and learnt a traditional dance and the importance of meditation.
Thursday - Islam
The children learnt in class about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the different signs and symbols in the Islamic Faith. Chilren refelcted on the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) attributes and why he was chosen to be a Prophet and designed their own prayer mats with signs and symbols which were important to them.
Mary's Meals
The 10th October 2024 was World Porridge Day. To celebrate, in class, we played some porridge-related games and spoke about how Mary's Meals provides porridge for children in developing countries so that children get a hot meal during their day at school.
In addition to this, children designed their own mug to take home and fill up with any change around their house to bring back and donate to Mary's Meals in order to support children around the world.
During the 6th September, all the children in the school explored our new ENTRUST values. These include:
E - Encourage Everyone
N - Never Give Up
T - Truthful
R - Responsible
U - Use our Unique Talents
S - Show Respect
T - Thoughtful
In Year 6, we read the story of Jonah and the Whale and discussed how Jonah ignored his responsibilities and the consequences that happened because of it. We thought about our responsibilities and how not doing them could impact others.
We then wrote a class poem together to highlight all the ENTRUST values and understand their importance.
House Captains
Well done to all the Year 6 children who put themselves forward to become a House Captain!
We had a whole school vote for who the children wanted their House Captain to be!