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St Mary Immaculate Catholic Primary School

“Live wisely, Think deeply, Love generously”

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Year 6 Class

Welcome to Year 6 Class Page!


It was fantastic to welcome the children back into school!

They all are eager to learn and ready for the challenges of Y6!

P.E days are:


Can children please continue to attend school in P.E kits on these days!

Home Learning


  • Children should be reading a minimum of 3 times per week. Reading records will be checked on a Tuesday.
  • Children should be accessing TTRockstars to support thier timestable knowledge as much as possible. Their usernames and passwords are in their reading records. 
  • Children should be practising thier spellings. Please see attached their half terms spellings. A dictation test, which includes these spellings, will be done on Friday. To support with this, they can access Spelling Shed below. Usernames and passwords are also in reading records.

House Captains


Well done to all the Year 6 children who put themselves forward to become a House Captain! 

We had a whole school vote for who the children wanted their House Captain to be!
